Vaginal Hysterectomy - Overview, Procedure, Recovery Tips and More

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The female reproductive system is a tremendously sophisticated system. Things may go wrong periodically, just as with any system. Surgery may be necessary when other therapies and treatments are unable to resolve a problem.

Vaginal hysterectomy is one such surgical procedure used to remove a woman’s uterus.


What exactly is a vaginal hysterectomy?

Surgery to remove your uterus (womb) and cervix (womb neck) through your vagina is known as a vaginal hysterectomy surgery. Your ovaries can be removed as well, it depends on age and  family history .nowadays , fallopian tubes are  prophylactically removed as its regarding as  harbourers of  ovarian cancer.


When is a vaginal hysterectomy required?

The indications of  hysterectomy surgery are multiple:
  • Uterine conservation methods are  opted  first. If failed , hysterectomy surgery is considered . 
  • vaginal approach is preferred  as  its  less  invasive  and  early  recovery anticipated.


In recent  era , approach from vagina could be by- 

  • V  NOTES  technique 
  • Traditional  Vaginal  hysterectomy 
These  two  procedures  requires  expertise  and  special  training .

Vaginal hysterectomy- surgery

Advantages  are  multiple:
  • Quick  recovery 
  • No  scar  over  abdomen 
  • Less  pain and  less  medications 
  • Regional anesthesia 
  • Less  blood  loss 
  • Early  resumption of  work 


What happens during a vaginal hysterectomy procedure?

  • Done under  regional anesthesia  / general anesthesia 
  • Vaginal  incision and  approach  from below 
  • If large  uterus ,  technique of  coring  done 


How is the recovery period after a vaginal hysterectomy?

  • Recovery is quick in most  patients 
  • Discharged  in 48  hours 
  • Normal  activities  can be  resumed
  • Avoid  sexual intercourse  for  6-8  weeks 
  • Avoid  lifting  weight  


What results should you expect after a hysterectomy surgery procedure?

  • Light vaginal bleeding or a dark brown discharge is typical for 4-6 weeks following surgery.
  • Mild  cramping pain 


Some tips for a better recovery experience after your vaginal hysterectomy

  • During the initial few weeks, you may experience mild  vaginal bleeding. 
  • For at least 4 to 6 weeks, avoid lifting heavy  weight. 
  • Avoid  tampon insertion
  • Avoid  sex  for  6-8  weeks.
  • Start normal  exercise like  walking. Avoid  squats.
  • Normal  work can be  resumed in 2  weeks.


Choose Dr Divyatha for a safe vaginal hysterectomy procedure in Dubai

With over 17 years of experience, Dr Divyatha is a passionate gynaecologist and obstetrician in Dubai. She specialises in cosmetic gynaecology, high-risk obstetrics, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, scarless surgery, and vaginal surgery. She has handled several complex cases and provides personalised care to every patient.

Schedule an appointment for an effective line of treatment!